
Our Hague-accredited, International Adoption Program works with and collaborates with multiple countries and their in-country specialists who speak both English and the local languages. ICA is accredited to operate as your Primary Provider, Supervised Provider, and even an Exempted Provider. Our experienced ICA International Adoption Team is ready to assist you in your adoption journey. Please click on a country below to learn more about the adoption process with each country and the process, or fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch!

Our Hague-accredited, International Adoption Program works with and collaborates with multiple countries and their in-country specialists who speak both English and the local languages. ICA is accredited to operate as your Primary Provider, Supervised Provider, and even an Exempted Provider. Our experienced ICA International Adoption Team is ready to assist you in your adoption journey. Please click on a country below to learn more about the adoption process with each country and the process, or fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch!

*ICA is a Hague accredited agency and currently only work with the countries listed below, however, we are actively working towards expanding our list of countries that we work with, please contact us about that ever-expanding list.

*ICA is a Hague accredited agency and currently only work with the countries listed below, however, we are actively working towards expanding our list of countries that we work with, please contact us about that ever-expanding list.
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at (888) 507-9360

Primary Provider

The following countries are where ICA is currently registered and can actively work as a Primary Provider.

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Supervised Provider

As a Supervised Provider, our agency provides Home Studies and Post Adoption reporting services, or Post Placement services.

Things to keep in mind:

  • The family we are providing Supervised Provider services for must live in the state of California.
  • A contract must be established between the 2 agencies that are providing Primary Provider and Supervised Provider services before we render our services.

The following countries are where ICA works as a Supervised Provider:

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Exempted Provider

As an Exempted Provider, our agency can also provide singular services such as Home Study or Post Adoption Service.

Things to keep in mind:

  • The Family must have a Primary Provider that is Hague accredited.
  • In most cases, ICA cannot provide Home Study without Post Placement Services.

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Every 20 seconds another child is orphaned
Every day 5,760 children over the age of 4 become orphaned
Every year 2,102,400 are orphaned (in Africa alone)
143,000,000 orphans in the world today spend an average of 10 years in an orphanage or foster care system
14,050,000 will grow up as orphans and “age out” of a system
Every day 38,493 “age out”
Every 2.2 seconds another orphan “ages out
In many countries, 15% commit suicide before age 18
In many countries, 60% – 70% are trafficked

These are low estimates because the actual numbers of orphans is difficult to monitor. But nonetheless the statistics are alarming and it is a call to all humanity to make a difference in their lives. They deserve a family. They deserve hope and a future. We, adults, are responsible for this catastrophe and are called to immediate action. ADOPT.

International Adoption Resources

Estimated Fees

*  These are fee examples. Fees are subject to change.

Partial Services Estimated Fees
Full Services Estimated Fees

Sponsors, Grants, & Loans

We understand that finances during this process can be overwhelming. Here are some ideas to help.
Sponsors – consider asking your church, family, and friends to contribute.
Grants – Check out this website
Loans – ask your bank, or inquire from ICA.

Sample Documents

*  These documents are meant to be used as samples.

Sample Ministry Agreement
Sample International Adoption Application
Hague Convention Primer & Adoption 201

Helpful Information

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services – Adoption

United Nations – Convention on the Rights of the Child

U.S. Department of State – Intercountry Adoptions

U.S. Department of State – Hague Convention

International Ministry Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions about International Adoption

What is the cost to adopt internationally through ICA?2023-01-11T10:09:46-08:00

ICA’s International Adoption fee is currently $19,250 (*Subject to change at any time). This total will be divided and due at various stages throughout the adoption process. This does not include country fees, traveling fees, and other misc. expenses which vary. Please see our MFA to preview the fee schedule.

How long does the International Process take?2023-01-11T10:16:14-08:00

We typically don’t like to give a timeframe because this varies depending on the family’s diligence to complete all the steps necessary in a timely manner and the country of adoption and its process, however, we like to give the estimate of 2 plus years.

Do you have to be a US Citizen to adopt internationally?2023-01-11T10:18:06-08:00

Yes. There is no way around this it is a Federal Law.

Do I have to be married to adopt internationally?2023-01-11T10:22:54-08:00

This will vary by country. Some countries will allow an applicant to be single and some will not. If a country requires the applicants to be married, the normal expectancy for length of marriage requirement is 3-5 years.

What is the minimum income requirement to adopt internationally?2023-01-11T10:26:09-08:00

As an applicant, you must meet the standards given by your State of Residency and USCIS. This requirement will also vary by your household size and active duty.

Do I need a lawyer to be able to adopt internationally?2023-01-11T10:26:41-08:00

This will vary from country to country.

Do I have to live in California to Internationally Adopt through ICA?2023-01-11T10:27:47-08:00

The simple answer is no, however, depending on your state there are complexities and nuances that affect the adoption process.

During my International Adoption process will I have to travel?2023-01-11T10:28:54-08:00

Yes. Each country, state, and agency has its own requirements for your in-person appearance. Travel is to be expected during this process.

What are the steps for the International Adoption process?2023-01-11T11:00:26-08:00

This is a brief synapse of the International Adoption Process. To get a more in-depth perspective of these steps, please visit our RFA Process page.(RFA Process is slightly different, but explains the steps in more detail.)

  • Application
  • Attend a Meet & Greet and Orientation
  • Complete required Livescans, Paperwork and Trainings
  • Home Study Assessment (SW interviews family and completes a home safety check)
  • 1800A/1600A processing
  • Wait for placement paperwork
  • Wait for travel clearance
  • Receive travel clearance to travel to pick up child(ren)
  • Return home and complete Post Placement Report, Post Adoption Counseling sessions, and other services as needed (which can take a span of months, conducting several in-person visits), and Re-Adoption/Finalization Process.



Terms to Keep in Mind

Home Study2023-09-22T12:02:18-07:00

Home Study is a written report containing findings of the social worker who has met on serval occasions with the prospective foster or adoptive parents. The purpose of the home study is to help determine whether the family is qualified to foster or adopt.


Finalization: the point when the court grants the Petition to Adopt of the adoptive parents and takes the necessary action to formally make the child a legal member of their family.

Hague Convention or Intercountry Adoptions2023-09-22T12:02:55-07:00

Hague Convention or Intercountry Adoptions – the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Convention) is an international agreement to safeguard intercountry adoptions.

Central Authority2023-09-22T12:03:08-07:00

Central Authority in each country handle two-way communications with domestic courts, administrative agencies and foreign Central Authorities. Not only did the Abduction Convention establish Central Authorities that facilitated two way communications, but it also gave a whole laundry list of additional obligations to these new authorities with language requiring Central Authorities to take “any and all actions” to secure the goals of the treaty and cooperate with other Central Authority’s to do the same.


Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME) is designated as an accrediting entity to accredit or approve adoption service providers to provide intercountry adoption services.


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is the federal agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States. We are a component of the Department of Homeland Security. We manage the first step in the process for U.S. citizens to adopt children from other countries. 


To determine the child’s eligibility for classification as a Convention adoptee. The U.S. citizen prospective adoptive parent files the petition to finalize the immigration process of a child who habitually resides in a Convention country. The petitioner must have an approved, valid Form I-800A, Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country, to file Form I-800.

Primary Provider2023-09-22T12:00:11-07:00

Refers to a Hague-authorized adoption agency that oversees the six adoption services to ensure they are performed properly and ethically in compliance with the Hague Convention on International Adoption.

Supervised Provider2023-09-22T12:00:40-07:00

Refers to a person or an organization on which a primary provider relies to carry out one or more of the adoption services. A supervised provider can be an agency, person, or other non-governmental entity, including any foreign entity.

International Adoption Assistance

ICA wants to be there to aid you along your adoption journey! We’re there every step of the way.
Let us know how we can better assist you.

City and State You Reside In(Required)
Please tell us where you currently reside. It'll assist us in offering the opportunities available in your area.

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Phone: (951) 695-3336
Fax: (951) 308-1753

Branch Office

Branch Office

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Additional Auxiliary Offices:
California: Sacramento, Escondido, Riverside

Counties Served:
California: Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, El Dorado, Stanislaus, Sacramento, Yolo, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, Sonoma, Shasta, Napa, Lasses, Butte, Solano, Plumas, Tehama, Amador, Trinity, Mendocino, San Joaquin, Calaveras, and Contra Costa. North Carolina: Durham, Wake, Orange, Franklin, Chatham, Granville, Person


Additional Auxiliary Offices:
California: Sacramento, Escondido, Riverside

Counties Served:
California: Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, El Dorado, Stanislaus, Sacramento, Yolo, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, Sonoma, Shasta, Napa, Lasses, Butte, Solano, Plumas, Tehama, Amador, Trinity, Mendocino, San Joaquin, Calaveras, and Contra Costa. North Carolina: Durham, Wake, Orange, Franklin, Chatham, Granville, Person

PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY, The Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), a national accrediting entity designated by the US Department of State to provide Hague Accreditation and Approval, invites the public to provide comment on intercountry adoption service providers seeking Hague Accreditation, Approval or Renewal. You are invited to provide comments through the U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs website:

PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY, The Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), a national accrediting entity designated by the US Department of State to provide Hague Accreditation and Approval, invites the public to provide comment on intercountry adoption service providers seeking Hague Accreditation, Approval or Renewal. You are invited to provide comments through the U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs website:

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