North Carolina

This branch location is located in the
the beautiful state of North Carolina.
This office is serving the counties of:

Durham, Wake, Orange, Franklin,
Chatham, Granville, & Person

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A Voice of HOPE for Children Worldwide

Foster Care

We are looking for caring and compassionate families to provide a home for children or youth in need. Our foster programs include domestic foster care, foster to adopt and refugee foster care.

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In the United States there is a demand for families to open their homes for children and youth in need. At ICA, we offer a few different ways for domestic adoptions.

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Throughout the world there are children and youth in need waiting to become a part of your family. We work with Hague accredited countries and we are ready to aid you in your adoption journey.

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Post Release Services are available for children and families who would benefit from ongoing assistance. These services include assistance in connecting children and their sponsors to community-based resources.

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North Carolina Office Contact Form

Join ICA in our mission to provide vulnerable youth with the opportunity of living
in family environments, which are essential for their development and well-being.
Let us know how we can better assist you.

Potential Programs You're Interested in (in Durham, NC)
Please select all that apply.
* By selecting the option, you are agreeing to be contacted.



Phone: (951) 695-3336
Fax: (951) 308-1753

Branch Office

Branch Office

Additional Auxiliary Offices:
California: Sacramento, Escondido, Riverside

Counties Served:
California: Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, El Dorado, Stanislaus, Sacramento, Yolo, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, Sonoma, Shasta, Napa, Lasses, Butte, Solano, Plumas, Tehama, Amador, Trinity, Mendocino, San Joaquin, Calaveras, and Contra Costa. North Carolina: Durham, Wake, Orange, Franklin, Chatham, Granville, Person


Additional Auxiliary Offices:
California: Sacramento, Escondido, Riverside

Counties Served:
California: Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, San Diego, El Dorado, Stanislaus, Sacramento, Yolo, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, Sonoma, Shasta, Napa, Lasses, Butte, Solano, Plumas, Tehama, Amador, Trinity, Mendocino, San Joaquin, Calaveras, and Contra Costa. North Carolina: Durham, Wake, Orange, Franklin, Chatham, Granville, Person

PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY, The Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), a national accrediting entity designated by the US Department of State to provide Hague Accreditation and Approval, invites the public to provide comment on intercountry adoption service providers seeking Hague Accreditation, Approval or Renewal. You are invited to provide comments through the U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs website: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/Intercountry-Adoption/about-adoption-service-providers/hague-complaint-registry.html

PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY, The Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME), a national accrediting entity designated by the US Department of State to provide Hague Accreditation and Approval, invites the public to provide comment on intercountry adoption service providers seeking Hague Accreditation, Approval or Renewal. You are invited to provide comments through the U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs website: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/Intercountry-Adoption/about-adoption-service-providers/hague-complaint-registry.html